Business Sense: Cultivating an Effective Disability Claims Team Partnership
While the responsibility of managing a disability claim falls with the specialist it’s assigned to, other key players also contribute to the final outcome. Claim Specialists play the primary role in making the disability determination, but they rely on the expertise...
The Aging Workforce: How To Support and Leverage a Talent Goldmine
The U.S. has been experiencing a significant shift in its workforce since 2011, when Baby Boomers began reaching retirement age. With 1 in 6 now age 65 or older, the share of older workers has risen significantly. While a mass exodus of Baby Boomers has been predicted...
Key Skills and Hiring Practices for Disability Claims Management
It’s well documented that the insurance industry has seen a wave of baby boomers exiting the workforce in recent years. As a result of this mass exit and the impacts of the pandemic on the structure of the workplace, a plethora of job openings exist. In addition, the...
Business Sense: AI Trends in the Disability Insurance Market
From improving underwriting accuracy and customer experience to streamlining claims processing, artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the insurance landscape. This year in particular has shown a significant rise in adoption of AI technologies among insurers,...