How professional advocacy empowers SSDI applicants to spend time on what matters most.
Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits is an important financial decision for anyone who is out of work due to illness or injury. A sudden loss of income, paired with health challenges, keeping up with medical appointments, tracking medications,...
Staying alert: Protect your personal information in an age of rampant Medicare fraud and scams
With continued technology advancements and the widespread utilization of email and text communications, scammers and fraudsters have become more sophisticated than ever in their tactics targeting Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Medicare beneficiaries....
A year in review: Absence and disability highlights from 2023
From new and revised Paid Family and Medical Leave laws to expanded accommodations for pregnant workers and job applicants, 2023 saw improved access to benefits and protections for American workers. Social Security benefits remain a topic of constant discussion, and...